Penuh Waktu

Software Developer - Senior

  • Teknik Komputer dan Jaringan , Sistem Informatika, Jaringan dan Aplikasi, S2 Magister Teknik Informatika, S1 Informatika

  • Kota Yogyakarta, Di Yogyakarta

  • Masuk untuk melihat gaji

1 year ago


Dilihat 561 kali

  • Disarankan jurusan Teknik Komputer dan Jaringan , Sistem Informatika, Jaringan dan Aplikasi, S2 Magister Teknik Informatika, S1 Informatika

  • Level Pekerjaan : Sudah Berpengalaman

  • Jenis kelamin : Semua Jenis Kelamin

  • Tidak ada syarat tinggi Laki-Laki

  • Tidak ada syarat tinggi Perempuan

  • Boleh buta warna, Boleh berkaca mata

  • Tidak ada batas usia

  • Penempatan di Remote ( Work From Home ), Kota Yogyakarta, Di Yogyakarta

  • Batas Pendaftaran 31 Desember 2023

  • Pendaftaran online : Tersedia

  • Tipe lowongan : Umum

  • Membutuhkan data nilai : Tidak

  • Membutuhkan kelengkapan scan dokumen : Tidak

Gambaran Perusahaan
  • Kategori perusahaan Teknologi Informasi

  • Website :

  • Jenis perusahaan Swasta

  • Hari kerja Senin - Jumat

  • Gaya berpakaian Bebas Casual

  • Skala perusahaan 30 - 50 Karyawan

Detail Pekerjaan


Join Our Team as a Software Developer!

Are you self-motivated with a passion for developing well-crafted software applications? Do you thrive in small team settings and have a solid intellectual curiosity? If so, we want to talk to you!


We are looking for candidates with computer science degrees or related degrees to join our team in developing cutting-edge software applications to build your career. Fresh graduates are welcome! Let's grow together as a team!


About Us

EvidenceCare is a leading U.S.-based healthcare software company creating innovative clinical decision support solutions.


Opportunities and Benefits

  • Build your career by joining an integrated team that uses industry best practices to develop software applications.
  • Engage directly with our U.S. team and gain experience with a foreign company to improve your English.
  • Competitive pay and benefits.
  • Opportunities for career advancement and professional growth.
  • Full-time, Full Remote (WFH).



  • Development experience with programming languages
  • Code logic and problem solving skill
  • Object oriented programming knowledge
  • Code design principle knowledge
  • Code readability and maintainability


Our Tech Stack

  • AWS
  • Kubernetes
  • Docker
  • NodeJs
  • ReactJs
  • PostGres
  • Snowflake