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BitHealth GradXpert Academy 2024 (Jogja Placement)

PT Bithealth Teknologi Pintar
  • S1 Informatika, S1 Teknologi Informasi, Computer Science, Data Science, Statistik, S1 Fisika, S1 Matematika, S1 Informatika(Transfer)

  • Tangerang, Banten

  • Masuk untuk melihat gaji

5 months ago


Dilihat 1379 kali

  • Disarankan jurusan S1 Informatika, S1 Teknologi Informasi, Computer Science, Data Science, Statistik, S1 Fisika, S1 Matematika, S1 Informatika(Transfer)

  • Level Pekerjaan : Baru Saja Lulus

  • Jenis kelamin : Semua Jenis Kelamin

  • Tidak ada syarat tinggi Laki-Laki

  • Tidak ada syarat tinggi Perempuan

  • Boleh buta warna, Boleh berkaca mata

  • Usia maksimal 25 tahun

  • Penempatan di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Indonesia, Tangerang, Banten

  • Batas Pendaftaran 08 April 2024

  • Pendaftaran online : Tersedia

  • Tipe lowongan : Umum

  • Membutuhkan data nilai : Ya

  • Membutuhkan kelengkapan scan dokumen : Ya

Gambaran Perusahaan
  • Kategori perusahaan Teknologi Informasi

  • Website :

  • Jenis perusahaan Swasta

  • Hari kerja Senin - Jumat

  • Gaya berpakaian Bebas Berkemeja

  • Skala perusahaan 200 - 500 Karyawan

Detail Pekerjaan

BitHealth is a growing digital health professional services company with leading capabilities in digital health transformation, data analytics and AI, and cloud.

We embrace the power of digital health to create value and change the face of healthcare for our clients and people.


Are you eager to fast track your career and become health-tech enthusiast?


BitHealth GradXpert Academy is a 6-months program to become an expert after graduating to discover the best of yourself. Be ready to embrace new challenges which consists of:


  • 1 month comprehensive learning
  • 5 months on-the-job training
  • Evaluation & ready to join the workforce!


How is the selection process?

  • Application: February - March 2024
  • Psychological test & HR Interview: February - March 2024
  • Final Selection & Administration: March - Early April 2024
  • Onboarding: 15 April 2024


General Requirements:

  • Bachelor's degree with a minimum GPA of 3.50 from Tech-related major, with no more than a year of full-time working experience in any industry (as of June 2024)
  • Active in organizations or other social activities
  • Good personality and have excellent analytical thinking
  • Good at English speaking and writing
  • Willing to work in Jogja


What we offer:

  • Career growth and real business knowledge
  • Personal development and On-Job-Training
  • Monthly pocket allowance and other benefits


Available roles:

  • Software Engineer
  • Cloud Engineer


Join with us!