Penuh Waktu

Project Manager

PT Intersolusi Teknologi Asia
  • S2 Magister Teknik Informatika, D3 Teknik Informatika, S1 Teknik Komputer, S1 Sistem Informasi

  • Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat

  • Masuk untuk melihat gaji

1 year ago


Dilihat 463 kali

  • Disarankan jurusan S2 Magister Teknik Informatika, D3 Teknik Informatika, S1 Teknik Komputer, S1 Sistem Informasi

  • Level Pekerjaan : Sudah Berpengalaman

  • Jenis kelamin : Semua Jenis Kelamin

  • Tidak ada syarat tinggi Laki-Laki

  • Tidak ada syarat tinggi Perempuan

  • Boleh buta warna, Boleh berkaca mata

  • Tidak ada batas usia

  • Penempatan di Jl. Terusan Sutami I No.36, Sukagalih, Kec. Sukajadi, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40163, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat

  • Batas Pendaftaran 30 Desember 2022

  • Pendaftaran online : Tersedia

  • Tipe lowongan : Umum

  • Membutuhkan data nilai : Tidak

  • Membutuhkan kelengkapan scan dokumen : Tidak

Gambaran Perusahaan
  • Kategori perusahaan Teknologi Informasi

  • Website :

  • Jenis perusahaan Swasta

  • Hari kerja Senin - Jumat

  • Gaya berpakaian Bebas Casual

  • Skala perusahaan 100 - 200 Karyawan

Detail Pekerjaan

Deskripsi Pekerjaan :

  1. Establish a project and product management office (PMO), direct and coordinate the utilization of resources across divisions of the project and product to reach targets
  2. Set deadlines, assign responsibilities and monitor and summarize progress of project and product
  3. Prepare reports for upper management regarding status of project and product .
  4. Manage all project and product documentation
  5. Meet with clients to take detailed ordering briefs and clarify specific requirements of each project
  6. Specifying a company's target audience based on market research
  7. Contributing in all implementation of marketing strategies
  8. Ensuring project complies with best practices, SOPs, PMO policies, and other policies.
  9. Lead and coordinate the customer support team in the project and product implementation process to ensure the project runs smoothly
  10. Support users on change control and system updates
  11. Resolve project and product conflicts, manage the relationship with the clients and all stakeholders 
  12. Leads and directs cross functional team leaders and third parties/vendors;
  13. Manages project contractual deliverable in terms of project milestone payments and quality insurance;
  14. Manages project scopes and project costs timely to ensure control of project financial risk;
  15. Ensures adherence to company SOP, policies and guidelines at the project level;

Syarat / Kualifikasi :

  1. Bachelor's Degree in Software Engineering, Computer Science, Information Technology, Information Systems, or similar
  2. Having at least 4-year working experiences in a project management role is required
  3. Thorough understanding of project management fundamentals.
  4. Outstanding leadership, organizational, and time management skills.
  5. Excellent verbal and written communication skills.
  6. Strong people skills.

Keahlian :

  1. Proficiency in project and product management software tools
  2. Good knowledge on System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and other Method related to Software Development
  3. Experienced in strategic planning, risk management and/or change management
  4. Having extensive knowledge of programming languages, API’s, and Web Services
  5. Able to analyze issues in Development, Test, and Production Environment
  6. Able to collaborate with Other Developers to collect ideas and solutions for product feature and functionality