Penuh Waktu

Back End Developer

PT. Transcosmos Indonesia
  • S1 Sistem Informasi (Transfer), Computer Science

  • Kota Yogyakarta, Di Yogyakarta

  • Masuk untuk melihat gaji

1 year ago


Dilihat 921 kali

  • Disarankan jurusan S1 Sistem Informasi (Transfer), Computer Science

  • Level Pekerjaan : Sudah Berpengalaman

  • Jenis kelamin : Semua Jenis Kelamin

  • Tidak ada syarat tinggi Laki-Laki

  • Tidak ada syarat tinggi Perempuan

  • Tidak buta warna, Tidak berkaca mata

  • Tidak ada batas usia

  • Penempatan di Vina House, Jl. Diponegoro No.29, Lempongsari, Gajahmungkur, Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah 50231, Kota Yogyakarta, Di Yogyakarta

  • Batas Pendaftaran 18 November 2023

  • Pendaftaran online : Tersedia

  • Tipe lowongan : Umum

  • Membutuhkan data nilai : Tidak

  • Membutuhkan kelengkapan scan dokumen : Tidak

Gambaran Perusahaan
  • Kategori perusahaan Internet / Media Online / E-Commerce

  • Website :

  • Jenis perusahaan Swasta

  • Hari kerja Senin - Jumat

  • Gaya berpakaian Bebas Casual

  • Skala perusahaan >1000 Karyawan

Detail Pekerjaan

Job Description:
Hearing requirement, problem solving, creating mockup system
Create a company profile website and or web application
Analize existing website, and make a propose to enhance/optimize the existing website
Analize problem, needs and turn it into an application
Create services product in collaboration with other division
Do cross-browser testing to ensure the application can run on any browser/platform
Debugging web apps to ensure the development is bug free
Project management and make sure finish within the timeline

Skill Requirement 
1) 2-5 Years relevant experience in Web / Backend development
2) Proficient in PHP programing language, able to use PHP framework
would be advantageous (Laravel, CodeIgniter, etc)
3) In-depth understanding of Data Structures, Database and other
computer science fundamentals
4) Hands-on experiences and knowledge on relational databases such as
MySQL (Preferred)
5) Familiar with Linux development environments, web server and web
6) Familiar with performance tuning of Web Server, massive concurrency
handling, and caching mechanism.

Educational Level

1 University(S1) IT/SI major

Job Category: Coding
Job Position: Supervisor
Job Type: Full Time
Job Location: Jakarta - RDTX