

Lowongan Tersedia


Informasi Perusahaan
  • Alamat

    Level 6/9 Help St Chatswood NSW 2067 Australia

  • Telepon

    +1 206-413-9433

  • Skala Perusahaan

    200 - 500 Karyawan

  • Gaya Berpakaian

    Bebas Casual

  • Waktu Bekerja

    Senin - Sabtu

Profil Perusahaan

Appen collects and labels images, text, speech, audio, video, and other data used to build and continuously improve the world’s most innovative artificial intelligence systems. Our expertise includes having a global crowd of over 1 million skilled contractors who speak over 235 languages, in over 70,000 locations and 170 countries, and the industry’s most advanced AI-assisted data annotation platform. Our reliable training data gives leaders in technology, automotive, financial services, retail, healthcare, and governments the confidence to deploy world-class AI products. Founded in 1996, Appen has customers and offices globally.

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