

Lowongan Tersedia

Salut Bali

Informasi Perusahaan
  • Alamat

    Perumahan Tamanan Nyaman C3, Tamanan, Bantul, Yogyakarta, INDONESIA 55191

  • Telepon

    +62 813 9392 1108

  • Skala Perusahaan

    < 20 Karyawan

  • Gaya Berpakaian

    Bebas Casual

  • Waktu Bekerja

    Senin - Jumat

Profil Perusahaan

SALUT BALI is a local travel agency in Indonesia, always present to answer questions regarding your next vacation in Indonesia. Our fundamental knowledge of the islands of our archipelago and our ability to find the best for you are undeniable assets. We are local people from Indonesia, working together, doing a collaboration to create the best programs for you. We learned our French and English at university, at Alliances Françaises in Indonesia and with our clients. It is very important to travel with us as we know our home by heart. We welcome you to our home, Indonesia!

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