

Lowongan Tersedia

PT Javan Cipta Solusi

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IT solutions for businesses process optimisation

Lowongan terakhir 3 years ago

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Lowongan Tersedia

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A Company Engaged In The Creative Industry That Focuses On Game Applications And Other Applications With Mobile Platforms, Especially Android And IOS.

Lowongan terakhir 3 years ago

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Lowongan Tersedia

Indomaret Group

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Indomaret adalah perusahaan retail waralaba yg bergerak dibidang peyedia kebutuhan pokok dan sehari-hari

Lowongan terakhir 3 years ago

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Lowongan Tersedia

PT. Frisidea Tech Indonesia

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Frisidea is the enterprise technology partner of choice for software development, delivering a broad range of web, mobile, and desktop controls coupled with a service-oriented approach throughout the entire application life cycle

Lowongan terakhir 4 years ago

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Lowongan Tersedia

Pijar Career Center

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Pijar Career Center adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang teknologi informasi.

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Lowongan Tersedia


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PT. ANEKA TUNA INDONESIA was established in October 1991, as a joint venture company between Itochu Corporation, Hagoromo Foods Corporation – a leading tuna brand owner in Japan, and one other foreign firm. Located in mountains area with exotic panorama in East Java Province of Indonesia, we began commercial operations in November 1992, specializing in production and sale of canned tuna. Itochu does the overall sales and management, while Hagoromo Foods is in charge of production. All of the partners are actively involved in improving product quality including dispatching technicians from Japan and sending local technicians to Japan for training. Our canned tuna is a popular ingredients enjoyed at tables around the world and sold in Japan, Europe, Middle East, Australia, Canada, Africa and also in Indonesia as domestic sale. Procurement of tuna raw material also extends around the world, from the waters surrounding Indonesia to the Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean. By utilizing the superior technology provided by its partners, PT Aneka Tuna Indonesia turns high quality, carefully selected raw material into products that set it apart from competing companies. In supermarkets and other outlets throughout Indonesia, whenever you find "SunBell" you know it has been manufactured by PT Aneka Tuna Indonesia, the name that signifies excellence.

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Lowongan Tersedia

PT. Kotagede Jewellery Group

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PT. Kotagede Jewellery Group merupakan perusahaan manufaktur perhiasan spesialis pernikahan di Yogyakarta. Fokus kami memproduksi cincin kawin kualitas terbaik untuk pelanggan domestik maupun internasional.

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Lowongan Tersedia

PT Bank CIMB Niaga, Tbk

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CIMB Niaga berdiri pada tanggal 26 September 1955 dengan nama Bank Niaga. Pada dekade awal berdirinya, fokus utama adalah pada membangun nilai-nilai inti dan profesionalisme di bidang perbankan. Sebagai hasilnya, Bank Niaga dikenal luas sebagai penyedia produk dan layanan berkualitas yang terpercaya. Di tahun 1987, Bank Niaga membedakan dirinya dari para pesaingnya di pasar domestik dengan menjadi Bank yang pertama menawarkan nasabahnya layanan perbankan melalui mesin ATM di Indonesia. Pencapaian ini dikenal luas sebagai masuknya Indonesia ke dunia perbankan modern. Kepemimpinan Bank dalam penerapan teknologi terkini semakin dikenal di tahun 1991 dengan menjadi yang pertama memberikan nasabahnya layanan perbankan online. Bank Niaga menjadi perusahaan terbuka di Bursa Efek Jakarta dan Bursa Efek Surabaya (kini Bursa Efek Indonesia/BEI) pada tahun 1989. Keputusan untuk menjadi perusahaan terbuka merupakan tonggak bersejarah bagi Bank dengan meningkatkan akses pendanaan yang lebih luas. Langkah ini menjadi katalis bagi pengembangan jaringan Bank di seluruh pelosok negeri. Pemerintah Republik Indonesia selama beberapa waktu pernah menjadi pemegang saham mayoritas CIMB Niaga saat terjadinya krisis keuangan di akhir tahun 1990-an. Pada bulan November 2002, Commerce Asset-Holding Berhad (CAHB), kini dikenal luas sebagai CIMB Group Holdings Berhad (CIMB Group Holdings), mengakuisisi saham mayoritas Bank Niaga dari Badan Penyehatan Perbankan Nasional (BPPN). Di bulan Agustus 2007 seluruh kepemilikan saham berpindah tangan ke CIMB Group sebagai bagian dari reorganisasi internal untuk mengkonsolidasi kegiatan seluruh anak perusahaan CIMB Group dengan platform universal banking.

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Lowongan Tersedia


  • Logistik / Pergudangan / Jasa Pengiriman / Kurir


  • wingscorp.com
Profil Perusahaan

Wings or Wings Surya is an Indonesian consumer goods company based in Surabaya. The company was founded in 1948 under the name Fa Wings. In 1991 it was renamed the Solar Wings. Wings produces products including toilet soap, powder and detergent bars, floorcleaners, fabric softeners, and sanitary napkins for markets throughout Indonesia and beyond. In 1981, while the third factory PT. Cipta Segar Harum (later renamed PT. Lionindo Jaya since 1990 and re-renamed PT Lion Wings since 2004) was built in Jakarta together with Lion Corporation Japan to produce brands such as Emeron, Page One, Ciptadent and Mama. Their products include shampoo, shower gel, skin care products, toothpaste, and liquid dishwashing.

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Lowongan Tersedia

Karina Artist Management

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Artist managers shape their clients' careers both in a day-to-day and long-term sense. They often help clients book gigs, plan album projects, orchestrate record releases and tours, create marketing and merchandising strategies, get paid for their work, and establish and pursue long-term career goals.

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